Thursday, 9 April 2015

Rough Patch

It's been a hard few weeks at the Peaceable. It's not been very peaceful.
Harry put his face in a fox hole.
Bella dog attacked Lulu the greyhound, and Paddy intervened. Lulu and Paddy had to be stitched-up.
My son Philip the lawyer is still looking for work. He is feeling low, and there is nothing I can do to help him. He's got to walk that lonesome valley by himself.
Barbara, my favorite cousin back in USA, is losing ground against cancer.
Bella attacked Lulu again and tore out all her stitches.
The animal control officer put Bella under a 14-day quarantine. She has to be separated from the other dogs, which made little Ruby very sad. Moving around the house and planting the garden are logistical challenges with dogs attempting to sneak past and reunite.
Bruno came back from Italy on April 1, and opened up the albergue for the season. He then went down with diverticulosis. Emergency surgery, recovery time..  and back in Moratinos, an inexperienced, shy young hospitalero was left to keep the place going. I played backup. The pilgrims were patient. After a couple of days we had hot water, and got the stove working!
We had pilgrims here at Peaceable, one of whom was profoundly strange.
Bella got loose and attacked Lulu yet again. Paddy intervened. I intervened, this time with a big stick. Lulu's neck was torn open in a new place. Paddy has several new punctures and tears to add to his total.
Bella has an appointment to die on Saturday morning, soon as the quarantine is through.
A guy was working a backhoe on Calle Ontanon yesterday, and he obligingly dug a Mastiff-size grave out back.
Paddy's hands are wrapped in white-and-blue bandages, and his heart is busted in a million pieces.
I am numb, keeping things going. The house is cluttered, I cannot keep up with everything, and Paddy cannot help with a lot of things. I feel like my hair is turning gray.
Bruno is back from the hospital. His son his here to help him now.  
I am almost finished with the big book-editing project.
There are only two more openings on the San Anton hospitaleros list... volunteers are finding me now. It's coming together.
It all will be better after Saturday. Life will get easier. It always does.


  1. weird energy here too. Sometimes there is just SOMETHING in the air. :(

  2. I'm so sorry to read this. Bella was so friendly to us when we met her - sad that she has changed so much. I will persist in believing she had a brain tumour, since this sounds like a big personality change.

    Hugs, if you want them!

  3. Hi Rebekah,

    I've been following you for some time and admire what you are doing in Morotinos.
    I once had a rescue Borzoi for about a week until he bit me in the eye and we had to put him down. I felt so terrible about that, but my attachment to him was much less than yours to Bella. Sorry you all have to go through this.

  4. Sorry to read about this so late in the month. The tiny pueblo had a bad spell, and hopefully you all recovered from the blows.
    Best - Fraluchi

  5. Rebekah, so sorry to hear about Bella. I remember her when my dad and I stayed with you in 2013 --
    Hope you're doing OK and the end of April brings sunshine.

  6. Rebekah, hope things are getting better and Paddy's heart is mending too. So much sadness.

    I hope the rest of Spring and Summer is gentle and kind.

    So glad things are working out well with St. Anton. So wish I could have helped too, but as you always say, the Camino isn't going anywhere and I am sure, now St. Anton will continue to need volunteers next year.

    Much healing light and much love to all of you at the Peaceable. Ingrid

  7. Do you need a volunteer? My address is

  8. Do you need a volunteer? My address is
