Sunday, 18 August 2013

Hermits Prevail!

So we hauled ourselves once again down the street, and what did we see in the plaza?

 A gypsy caravan with dancing girls and dogs and babies, pulled by a tractor, driven by a spiv in a pinstripe suit (who is really Segundino the carpenter)

 A troupe of Sanfermines, the lunatics in white and red who run with bulls through the streets of Pamplona each summer. This bull was a lissom lady holding a pair of horns, and the Sanfermines were all members of the extended Milagros family

Assorted ninjas, rabbits, Moors, Templar Knights, and mermaids.
Templar Bruno

Family unity was upheld, dances were danced, drinks were drunk, and a good time was had by all.  


  1. This is incredibly see the 2 of you dressed in appropriate garb. I so want to be part of the whole thing. I love you and miss you both beyond words.

  2. Love the little ones on the dance floor!
